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Yläkierre Privacy Policy



Yläakierre Privacy statement

Register Description in accordance with Section 10 of the Personal Data Act (523/1999)




Business ID: FI16379238

Heinurinkuja 1 A2



Tel. +358 (0) 505411995



Contact person for registry matters

Mika Salminen


Name of the personal register

Yläkierre customer register


Purpose of the processing of personal data

The purpose of processing personal data is to communicate with customers and process orders.


Information to be registered

The following information or at least one of the following shall be entered in the personal register: name (or company name and business ID and possibly also contact person)

address, telephone number, e-mail address.


Cookies on the homepage

When a user browses the pages of on the Internet, cookies are used to collect Anonymous data from Google Analytics. Information includes e.g. the user's entry and exit page, the pages used on the e-commerce pages, the time, the search term used to visit the pages, the type of browser used, the location of the user's telecom operator (country and city). The information collected through cookies is used to make the website more customer-friendly and functional. This information cannot be linked to an individual user, or to his or her personal information. Cookies can be disabled in the user's own browser settings.


Regular sources of information

Information relevant to the personal register is regularly obtained from the customer himself when ordering products.


Retention of personal information

Personal information is retained for the time required by the customer relationship. Outdated information will be disabled. However, the Accounting Act provides for a longer period for the retention of data, but they are not used for anything else during this period. Disclosure of Personal Information Information will not be disclosed to third parties for marketing purposes. Data may be disclosed from the personal register only for operational reasons, for example when ordering from an online store to an e-commerce operator, and at the request of the authorities. In such cases, when disclosing information to a third party, the third party is responsible for data protection in its own systems as required by law. The data will not be disclosed outside the EU or the EEA.


Registry security

A) Material in physical form shall be stored in a locked room at the Yläkierre

B) Data in electronic form shall be stored in Upper Helix information systems using both technical and software means to ensure information security. Such means include e.g. passwords and security software. Backups are kept in a locked location that can only be accessed by the controller.


C) Our company website operates on the platform. provides us with an online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to our customers. Customer information may be stored through the storage space, databases and common applications. Client information is stored on secure servers behind a firewall.


Right to inspect and correct data

The data subject has the right to check what information about him or her has been stored in the personal register. In order to execute the request for verification, the data subject must contact the contact person. The data subject also has the right to demand the correction of incorrect information in the register. The data correction request shall identify the error to be corrected and indicate the corrected data. To execute a correction request, the registrant must contact the contact person. The repair request is free of charge.


Other rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to prohibit the use of data concerning him for the purposes specified by law and to delete data concerning him. Such prohibition may be given free of charge at any time to the above-mentioned contact person. However, the data may be retained for a period of time required by law (e.g., accounting legislation), but the data will not be used for any other purpose during that time.

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